This woman used to sleep in the subway but now she is a well-known actress. At 90 years old, she is happy with her husband who is younger than her.

This famous person grew up during a time of war. However, she could hardly remember what happened that caused the war because she was still very young. It impacted her education, but she went on to become one of the most famous celebrities. This famous person was born in London, England, on May 23, 1933. She is the oldest child of Elsa, who used to work at a nightclub, and Joseph, who worked as a talent agent.


Elsa, who is from Britain, and her husband Joseph, who is from South Africa, had two more children: Jackie in 1937 and Bill in 1946. The family lived during World War II. They looked for safety in underground stations with other people from London who were also hiding from the German bombs that were everywhere in the city. This girl remembered the events from May 2020.



She said she was quite young when the war started. Her father had to stay in London to host those who didn’t leave. She said: “But I had to leave my home many times… We moved around a lot.”This affected her education because her family kept moving around. This famous person acknowledged that it was a difficult time for her. However, she and her brother were lucky to have their mom with them, which helped make things easier. She recalled sleeping with her family in the underground shelter, saying, “We mostly went to the one at Marble Arch.” It was very friendly – people would play accordions and sing together.Who is the girl that slept in the subway? The girl who had to leave her home is English actress Joan Collins. She became very famous after acting in the TV show “Dynasty” in 1981 with Linda Evans.


This woman used to sleep in the subway but now she is a well-known actress. At 90 years old, she is happy with her husband who is younger than her.


In an interview from October 2013, Collins shared that her grandmother, who taught her singing, tap dancing, and splits, motivated her to pursue acting. But her dad told her not to pursue acting because he believed that by the time she turned 23, she wouldn’t be important in the field anymore. Clearly, she exceeded what everyone expected.




This woman used to sleep in the subway but now she is a well-known actress. At 90 years old, she is happy with her husband who is younger than her.


Even though Collins has been very successful in her career over the years, her love life has not been as successful. The actress was in a relationship with actor Warren Beatty when she was 23 years old. She became pregnant with his child when she was 26. But he advised her to end the pregnancy, saying it would harm their professional lives. Even though she had doubts at first, the woman who is now a mother of three admitted he was correct years later.Even though she and Beatty never got married, Collins ended up getting married four times. She is currently married to her fifth husband, actor Percy Gibson, since February 2002. “A month after getting married, Collins enthusiastically said, ‘Percy is the most honest man I’ve ever known.'” Even though she didn’t plan on getting married again, he made her reconsider.They met in New York City in 2000. She was acting in a play, and he was producing it. They started a strong relationship when she was in her sixties and he was in his thirties. The couple was never concerned about their age gap. Today, Collins is 90 years old, and her husband Gibson is 58. The person from Peru is 32 years younger than his wife, who has won a Golden Globe Award.


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