When squeezing lemons, do not make the mistake of discarding the seeds – They are worth their weight in gol


To ensure growth, keep the cotton moist and the area around it humid. When the sapling develops tiny roots, transfer it to a small pot filled with a mix of soil and perlite for proper drainage. With regular care, in a warm and draft-free environment, and consistent soil moisture, your lemon seed can grow into a fruit-bearing tree.


But growing trees isn’t the only use for lemon seeds. They can also create a refreshing scent for drawers and cabinets. Start by rinsing the seeds without removing the skin, as they retain their citrus aroma even after being washed. Place them in a small canvas bag to freshen up drawers, closets, and even areas like the bathroom. When attached to a radiator in winter, they emit a delightful lemon scent, enhancing the ambiance of your home. Discovering the versatile uses of lemon seeds can add a touch of nature’s magic to your daily life.


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