If You See A Fence Painted Purple, You Better Know What It Means – Knowing This Can Save Your Life

When you drive by a house, have you ever seen a fence post or tree with a purple stripe on it? If so, that probably made you scratch your head and wonder what it could mean. That purple stripe isn’t just there to make a fence post look a little more interesting; it has a very important message that isn’t very friendly. It would be better to go back to where you came from. What do purple fence posts mean? We’ll talk about the states where you might see them, especially next to a house.


What Do Purple Fence Posts Mean? A new rule has been made in several states to keep people off of private land. They no longer have to hang metal or plastic “No Trespassing” signs. Now, they can just paint a purple line on a tree or post. It makes sense to make the message easier to see since signs get worn down over time and become hard to read. Putting a nail or screw into a tree could also hurt the tree in ways that are bad for it. You don’t have to use words to tell people to stay away from a property; painting a fence post purple does it for you. A sign can be stolen or lost over time, but the purple paint stays strong and keeps the message clear for a much longer time.In any case, it’s important for people to understand what purple fence posts mean so that the message gets across correctly.



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