My head dropped when my daughter revealed what she saw! Read full story

Both Dani and Nathan felt they were meant to be together when they first met in high school. They got married after a few years and anticipated a great life together. But after just two years of marriage, Nathan made a change.

Dani didn’t know if the two having a newborn girl into their lives had anything to do with that shift. Ultimately, Nathan was an excellent father, thus it was most likely not the cause behind his harsh criticism of Dani.

He began to feel self-conscious about her appearance and advised her to take better care of her beauty. “Dani, you’ve just let yourself go.” he remarked. “Always dressed in such dowdy attire. Do you believe that’s how you’ll maintain the spark?

Despite working from home and spending a lot of time with tiny Ellie, he also accused her of being a bad mother.

“It’s the computer screen that you’re always behind. Even so, are you paying Ellie enough attention? It doesn’t appear to be. Every night when I get home from work, she is by herself.Dani tried everything to please Nathan, but she finally gave up because he was never delighted with whatever she produced.
Dani saw her marriage disintegrating and made the decision to let it go because she lacked the strength to battle something that was confined to her husband’s imagination.

One day, Nathan informed Dani that they had to relocate since he had a job opportunity. Dani was okay with the decision to move to a different city because Ellie was in the first grade and she worked from home. She secretly hoped that the adjustment would have a favorable effect on their marriage.


After Ellie transferred to a new school, Dani saw that her daughter was beginning to behave badly when she got home. She even discovered her sobbing in her room one day.

“Honey, what took place?” Concerned, Dani enquired.

“Miss Allen is not the mother I desire! You should become my mommy. Ellie started crying.

Dani felt a cold rush through. Ellie’s instructor was Miss Allen.
She questioned, “Why would she become your mother?”

As Ellie began telling her mother everything she had learned over the past few days, tears streamed down her face. She felt as though the burden bearing down on her shoulders was gradually lifting.

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