Devastated Mom Wants to Adopt, Spots Girl at Adoption Agency Strikingly Similar to Her Late Daughter

In the muted light of her living room, Eleanor yelped, throwing her Chinese take-out box somewhere behind her and not caring. The sound interrupted the silence that her once vibrant home was known for these days.

After losing her daughter, Ava, to leukemia five years ago and separating from her husband, Joseph, a year later, Eleanor had lost her passion for everything, including her career in fine art photography. She spent her days in a haze, drifting through the motions of life, her once sharp eye for detail now dulled by grief.

But recently, something had shifted. A tiny flicker of hope had reignited within her, prompting her to consider adoption. It was a slow, tentative process, but Eleanor felt a stirring in her heart – a desire to give and receive love again.

That day, as she sat in her dimly lit living room, she had received an email from the adoption agency. It was a simple update, listing potential children available for adoption. Eleanor scrolled through the photos, her heart heavy with both anticipation and fear.

Suddenly, she froze. One photo in particular made her heart stop. The little girl in the picture had the same dark, curly hair and bright blue eyes as Ava. Her name was Lily, and she was five years old – the same age Ava had been when she passed away.

Eleanor’s hands shook as she clicked on Lily’s profile. The similarities were uncanny, and tears streamed down her face as she read about the little girl who loved drawing and had a penchant for wearing mismatched socks, just like Ava.

Determined to learn more, Eleanor called the adoption agency the next morning and scheduled a visit. She spent the days leading up to the meeting in a whirlwind of emotions, vacillating between hope and guilt. Was it right to adopt a child who looked so much like Ava? Was she trying to replace her daughter?

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