Keep It Covered: Store butter in a covered dish, butter bell, or crock to shield it from contaminants and odors.
Avoid Heat and Light: Position the butter away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent premature spoilage.
Regular Inspection: Periodically check the butter for any signs of spoilage, such as unusual odors, mold growth, or discoloration.
Choose Salted Butter: Opt for salted butter for slightly extended room-temperature storage compared to unsalted varieties.
Safety Precautions and Tips

Perform a Taste Test: Before using butter that’s been left out, sample a small amount to ensure it hasn’t spoiled.
Discard if Unsure: If in doubt about the butter’s safety, it’s best to dispose of it rather than risking foodborne illness.
Refrigeration in Hot Climates: Consider refrigerating butter during hot weather or in regions with elevated temperatures.
Partial Refrigeration: For those who prefer the spreadability of room-temperature butter, keep a small portion out and refrigerate the rest to maintain freshness.

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