As people age, stiffness settles into various joints; back pain becomes commonplace. Many products are on the market to help with pain and inflammation, but many people don’t want to fill their bodies with all the different chemicals that make up the medication. Acupressure, according to, is “an ancient healing art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points, which stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities.”
The Melbourne College of Professional Therapists states that acupressure originated with the ancient Chinese. Much has been written regarding acupressure and its benefits. Among those listed by are increasing circulation, increasing deep relaxation and relieving muscle stiffness.
Which acupressure points may help you relieve stiffness?
The two points recommended by Michael Reed are GB34 and ST36.
How do these acupressure points work?
What else can you do to relieve stiffness?
Besides acupressure, the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association, recommends getting plenty of deep sleep so your muscles have plenty of time to rejuvenate. Making sure that you are warm and don’t sleep in a draft is also beneficial. Taking a hot shower can help relax tight muscles and increase the flow of blood. All of these are simple things that may help reduce morning stiffness without the need of extra medication.