Woman sends list of rules to wedding guests – soon a lot of them start cancelling

Furthermore, the bride shared that they had ordered bridesmaid dresses months in advance and expected the bridesmaids to maintain their weight, whether that required gaining or losing weight. This expectation added to the growing tension among her friends and family.


Unsurprisingly, the bride’s mother was furious about these stringent rules, predicting that the wedding was doomed from the start. Bridesmaids began threatening to drop out, and more guests canceled their attendance at the last minute. One particularly contentious point was the bride’s request for the maid of honor’s daughter, who was supposed to be the flower girl, to stay at a hotel with a babysitter during the ceremony. The maid of honor refused, opting instead to leave her daughter with her own mother due to the wedding venue being a four-hour drive away.

Despite her efforts to justify their rules, the bride found little support on Reddit. The consensus was that she and her fiancé were being unreasonable. Commenters pointed out that while couples are entitled to plan their weddings according to their preferences, guests are equally entitled to decline if they find the conditions too restrictive. The couple’s inflexibility and lack of consideration for their guests’ comfort were seen as overstepping reasonable boundaries.

This story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of balancing personal desires with the practicalities and feelings of those we invite to share our special moments. While a wedding is undoubtedly a celebration of love and a significant personal milestone, it is also a gathering of family and friends, whose comfort and enjoyment are crucial to the event’s success.

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