Teen daughter disowns mother in favor of cheating dad – years later she comes back begging

A woman found herself in a situation which made her wonder whether turning down her daughter down when she asked for help years after not reaching out to her was the right thing to do, or she still needed to be there for the daughter who disowned her years before.

It all happened when the woman, who asked fellow Redditors for advice, married a wealthy man.

He seemed like the right person for her, but shortly after tying the knot with him and falling pregnant with his child, she found out that he cheated on her.

At that point, she somehow convinced herself that he did that because she couldn’t be there for him enough because of her pregnancy so she made the decision to forgive him.

However, some years later, he cheated again, and she could no longer put up with his infidelity so she decided to divorce him.

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